AI predicts future values based on historical data, mainly used in finance and retail.
Beta version: The platform is in a development stage of the final version, which may be less stable than usual. The efficiency of platform access and usage might be limited. For example, the platform might crash, some features might not work properly, or some data might be lost.
For “Customized AI" mode: you are required to prepare only a dataset for training in case you want to train your model.
The input data should be in a format of ‘comma separated value’ file (.csv format). In other words, the input data is shown as a table data separated by “,”. After having uploaded dataset, a user is required to select types of data for each column. The detail of possible column types is presented as follows:
**Noted: the data should be sorted in time order.**
Time series data will be processed according to the following steps:
All these preprocessing methods are done by using sktime library.
Time Series Forecasting model is a regression model that learns by a tabular data format prepared from the time series input. The ACP ML pipeline for time series forecasting would train three algorithms to build a machine learning model in parallel. The algorithms consist of linear model, kernal-based model, and tree-based model. After all algorithms were trained, the platform would automatically pick the model from an algorithm that has the best performance for prediction.
For a time series forecasting, we use MAE, RMSE, MAPE and MASE to evaluate a model. Generally, lower MAE, RMSE, MAPE and MASE means better performance.
The Time Series Forecasting model receives lists of the Key-value of data when the key is represented by the data column and the value is represented by data in the column in each row. The API JSON input format is shown below.
"inputs": [
"Column A": Value 1,
"Column B": Value 1,
"Column C ": Value 1,
"Column D ": Value 1
"Column A": Value 2,
"Column B": Value 2,
"Column C ": Value 2,
"Column D ": Value 2
There are 2 crucial criteria for using a time series forecasting model:
The response of the Time Series Forecasting model API will be shown as a JSON format, containing:
The example of API response would be in the following:
“Forecast step”: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] // List [value]
“Forecast values”: [<predict1>, <predict2>, <predict3>, …] // List [value]
“Data drift”: <percent drift> // Float